Jazz and Me Together and some words about those DARNED CATS!!!!
Jazz spent the afternoon and part of the evening with me. We got along fine. We even shared Shenanny. She took us outside a couple of times, and there were cats everywhere. White cats in the garden and down at the pole shed. She even let us chase them a little, but I had to be careful as I still have my stitches. One more week and they will come out.
I don't understand why those cats can just roam around everywhere they please. They even get on Jazz's deck at night and tease her while she is in the house. Then her barking gets on Barry and Robin's nerves. I think that cats should have responsible folks to take care of them and that they should have to get a license, too. Maybe, Shenanny will work on that now that she is an active member of the Humane Society of Shenandoah County. I'm sure glad that she is getting out and connecting with more caring folks who want to do something for us pets. Shenanny likes cats, too, but is so tired of those half wild ones running around our place all the time. They get in the garbage and do all kinds of dirty tricks in the garden and most everywhere. I tried to get in the garbage, and I really got scolded. I wish someone would scould those darn cats!!!! Shenanny is afraid that they will scratch my eyes out.
Catch ya later.
Love, Ellie