Shenanny bought this cover at the auction the other day. It really belonged to my Grandma and they sold her things. Grandma was at the auction and her feet were cold. So, Shenanny wrapped the cover around her feet and legs. It is lined with wool and is so soft. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, I love it!!!
I love my family, too. I have two human brothers and I would love to see more of them. John was here today and took Shenanny shopping with him to Winchester. They were gone a long time, but I didn't mind too much. Billy Bob took good care of me. We took a long nap and then went over next door to let Jazz out to play. I can be off the leash in the big garage, and we run and run around. Jazz belongs to Barry and Robin. Barry is my other human brother.
John was here last night, too. He loves to hold me, and he's like a big teddy bear, so warm and cuddly. He's a good singer and sings karioke at different places. I wish I could go hear him. I don't get to go to some of the fun places 'cause dogs aren't allowed. :( Shenanny wishes John could go to church and sing there. She loves to hear him sing, "O Holy Night".
I wish I could go to church, too. Billy Bob is an usher this month. It makes him feel important and Shenanny says that he does it to honor his Heavenly Father. I hope to get to see this Heavenly Father some day. I hope they let me go to heaven, too. Shenanny feels that I will be able to as she will need me up there to be her little shadow.
She says we need to have a lot of Faith. She says that it's not going to be easy to get to heaven, but that it will be worth it. She tells me about salvation, too, and that it is a free gift that the Father wants to give his children (and I hope dogs, too!!!). All we have to do is to accept the gift by believing in his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Father's grace will see us through. Doesn't that sound like a wonderful gift?!? Then we can spend eternity there with all of the loved ones so we can honor and praise our Father forever.
Shenanny says there's going to be lots of music in heaven. She loves music, especially, the pretty hymns. We listen to Christmas music on the radio and on this computer. Here's some if you would like to listen:
I like Santa Claus, too, but he knows about Jesus being the Real Reason for the Season. Shenanny says that Santa will bring me some gifts for Christmas if I be a good girl. I'm gonna try real hard.
Nightie nite. Love and prayers, Ellie Rose
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