Well, Shenanny went and done it again. She dressed me up and took my pic!!! She says it's my Easter rehearsal. She says that when I get this posted that I can go outside and play with Jazz!!! So, I guess it's worth it.
Don't I look real cute? That's what everybody keeps saying. Shenanny bought my outfit at the thrift store. I think she paid $1.50 for the dress and hat. So, that's not bad. She says the little girl's Easter dresses at the Apple Blossom Mall are $30 or so. I guess I'm blessed that she shops for me and gets the good buys. She buys most of my stuffed toys there for 25 cents each, and I really like them. I drag them all thru the house and about shake them to pieces. Then they sleep in the sunshine with me on the blanket chest. A girl never had it so good!!!
Well, I will close for now. It's time for Shenanny and me to get out and get some exercise. She's feeling better since spring is here, but we sure wish it would warm up and the windy would calm down.
Love and prayers,
Your little friend Ellie Rose on a rather blustery day :o)