Odie is my best buddy next to Jazz, Shenanny and Billy Bob. He sleeps in the sunshine and runs through the house with me. I carry him in my mouth and shake him. LOL I chewed his tail off, too!!! He is used to that FAT CAT Garfield in the funny paper. So, I guess he can take my abuse.
Now Shenanny says I am FAT. She says that she can't feel my ribs when I am standing. She and I are going on a diet and trying to get more exercise. She really needs it, too. This morning she walked me around the fields and backyard. In a couple of weeks she will start back to PT to get her up and going better. She has Bursitis in one of her hips along with all her other aches and pains, and has a hard time walking sometimes. She says we will get back in shape sooner or later. I wish I could go to PT with her, but she says no dogs are allowed unless they are service dogs.
Maybe, I could be a service dog. Shenanny says that I have to listen better before I could do that. She says that I am a good little heating pad. Maybe, that is the best service I can provide for now. I'll go get back in the sunshine and get heated up again. No doubt Shenanny will want me to take a good nap with her later today. She likes my warm little FAT body on her lap. She says I'm a warm cozy. I'll buy that!!!! :o)
Catch y'all later.
Love, Ellie Rose